Since our founding in 2011, the Saint Gianna Pregnancy Resource Center has looked for witnesses who offer hope to mothers, fathers, and children, born or unborn, who know deeply that all of human life is sacred. Saint Paul VI, wrote, “‘Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.’ St. Peter expressed this well when he held up the example of a reverent and chaste life that wins over even without a word those who refuse to obey the word. It is therefore primarily by her conduct and by her life that the Church will evangelize the world, in other words, by her living witness of fidelity to the Lord Jesus- the witness of poverty and detachment, of freedom in the face of the powers of this world, in short, the witness of sanctity. (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 41)

At the annual banquet the people honored and those chosen to speak are some of the witnesses we have met.

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2020 Christina Bennett is the Communications Director at the Family Institute of Connecticut. Ms. Bennett worked ABC Women’s Center where she oversaw the educational programs and managed the volunteer team. NOTE: Ms Bennett was presented her award on September 26, 2020 by Carolyn Falcigno, Executive Director and Phil Liquori, Chairman of the Board of Directors, St Gianna Pregnancy Resource Center (All biography information was updated at the time of the award.)

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2019 Vincent Candelora is a resident of North Branford and a member of St. Ambrose Parish. Since 2006, Mr. Candelora has been a member of the Connecticut House of Representatives. He supports pro-family legislation to protects Connecticut’s pregnancy resource centers.

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2019 Michael and Barbara Ferraro are co-founders, benefactors and dedicated volunteers for life. Mike currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Center.

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2018 Choose Life at Yale (C.L.A.Y.) is a pro-life service organization devoted to promoting a culture of life among Yale students through gestures of volunteering and support.

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2017 Monsignor Phillip J. Reilly is a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn and Founder and Executive Director of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants paved the way to prayerful, non-confrontational witness to the sacredness of human life.

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2016 Father Robert J. Rousseau is a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford, among many positions in the Archdiocese he is the past Archdiocesan Director of Pro Life Activities who inspired founding the Saint Gianna Pregnancy Resource Center in New Haven.

Guest Speakers for the annual banquet

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2021 (Postponed due to Covid in 2020) Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair is the current archbishop of the Archdiocese of Hartford. He is a strong supporter of prolife work and witness, and known to fight for what is right and just.

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2019 Peter Wolfgang is the Executive Director Family Institute of Connecticut, a Hartford-based advocacy organization whose mission is to encourage and strengthen the family as the foundation of society.

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2018 Chris Slattery is the Founder of Expectant Mother Care FrontLine Pregnancy Centers, NYC’s first crisis pregnancy center to support pregnant women and girls in need with real alternatives to abortion.

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2016 Alveda King is the niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Ms. King is an activist, author, pastor, leader, speaker and former state representative for the 28th District in the Georgia House of Representatives.